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How To FTP Shareware Doom.
1st Revision, 19/3/94.
One easy way to get Shareware Doom is from an ftp site.
Many sites have the shareware version, which is the whole of episode 1
from the game (the full game has a further two episodes), and also a
patch file to update the shareware v1.1 to shareware v1.2.
Here are instructions for getting the shareware game, version 1.2:
1. Ftp to an appropriate site.
As an example, I did this:
ftp ftp.demon.co.uk
(BTW, to UK readers: use info.brad.ac.uk. It's really fast! I got
the entire doom file in 85 seconds when I tested that site! It
transfered at 26Kb/s).
At the prompt for your name, enter 'ftp'.
As a password, enter your full email address (ie. you'd enter:)
eg. I entered:
Obviously, being a password, it doesn't get echoed to the screen when
you type it, so type carefully!
2. Goto the appropriate directory.
On this particular site, enter:
cd /pub/ibmpc/games/id
followed by:
ls -l
(I include the -l to see how big the files are. Note: on some sites, you
might have to use 'dir' instead of 'ls'):
and, amongst other files, you'll see the following on this site:
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 17303 Dec 17 09:44 deice.exe
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 166 Feb 18 16:11 dm1_2rpt.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 451709 Feb 18 16:22 dm1_2rpt.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 239 Feb 18 16:23 dm1_2spt.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 389304 Feb 18 16:33 dm1_2spt.zip
-r--r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 21510 Jan 11 11:03 dmedit4.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 360218 Dec 23 15:05 doom11pt.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 2213975 Dec 18 11:21 doom1_1.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 1199184 Dec 18 11:29 doom1_1a.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 1015241 Dec 18 11:41 doom1_1b.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 468 Feb 18 16:33 doom1_2.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 2256322 Feb 18 18:03 doom1_2.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 466 Feb 18 18:04 doom1_2a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 1453520 Feb 18 19:00 doom1_2a.zip
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 466 Feb 18 19:00 doom1_2b.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 100 803232 Feb 18 19:24 doom1_2b.zip
The file doom1_2.zip is the shareware version in zip (compressed) form.
The file doom1_2.txt is just a description of the game in about 7 lines,
so don't bother getting it. You're better off reading the Doom FAQ, by
Hank Leukart, which has the 'story' background to the game in chapter 2.
Anybody who wants a copy of the new Doom FAQ v5.5, just email me and
I'll send it to you. Hopefully, this should take some of the load of
Hank. I won't post the FAQ it here 'cos it's BIG! Besides, Hank posts it
to alt.games.doom every now and again anyway. Also, anyone who wants a
complete description of the cheat codes for doom or info on demo-making,
etc., email me and I'll send a copy to you (if you ask for the FAQ,
you'll get the cheat codes and demo info anyway).
Further, in the above file list, the file dm1_2spt.zip is a patch file
that will update shareware v1.1 to shareware v1.2. You can get this
instead if it's more convenient (if you do, get the file dm1_2spt.txt
as well and read it). Most sites will have most, or all, of the files
shown above.
Anyway, on with the ftp...
3. Before you can get the file(s), you have to switch to binary mode,
otherwise any files you get will be useless! So enter this:
Or, if that gives an error (very unlikely), enter this:
You'll get a message saying 'Switched to type: binary', or something
similar ('Switched to type I', is a common message).
4. Next, enter this:
This will make '#' symbols appear during the ftp process, enabling
you to see how the transfer is getting on. Each '#' represents a
certian number of bytes transfered. It varies from 1024 to 8000
Now enter this to get the big Doom file:
get doom1_2.zip
followed (after a hefty wait!) by:
to exit ftp.
Of course, you might find you can't get onto a site because too many
other people are on it. If this happens, use a different site or try
later on. Here are a list of sites to choose from (taken from the Doom
FAQ v5.5. If any are out of date please tell me and I'll pass the info
on to Hank):
[6-1-2]: How can I get DOOM using FTP?
Here is a list of sites DOOM is on. Choose the one closest to you
for fastest delivery.
andyspc.rh.uchicago.edu: /pub
archive.orst.edu: pub/tmp (will be moved to pub/gaming/doom)
cactus.org: /pub/incoming (will be moved to /pub/IHHD/multi-player)
charm.hepth.cornell.edu: /pub/doom/doom_v1.2
cs.huji.ac.il: /incoming (will be moved to /pub/msdos/id)
cs.nyu.edu: /pub/uploads
cscns.com: /ftp/pub/uploads
ftp.cc.umanitoba.ca: /wolf3d/incoming (will be moved to pub/doom)
ftp.cdrom.com: /pub/games/incoming
ftp.csus.edu: /incoming (move to /pub/id)
ftp.demon.co.uk: /incoming (will be moved to /pub/ibmpc/games)
ftp.sheridanc.on.ca: /incoming
ftp.sun.ac.za: /pub/Contrib (will be moved to /pub/msdos/id)
ftp.uml.edu: /msdos/Games/ID
ftp.uni-kl.de: /pub/incoming/pc
ftp.uni-oldenburg.de: /pub/incoming/dos
ftp.urz.uni-heidelberg.de: /incoming
ftp.uu.net: /tmp
ftp.uwp.edu: /pub/incoming/id (will be moved to /pub/msdos/games/id)
ftp.funet.fi: /pub/msdos/games/id
info.brad.ac.uk: /software/msdos/doom
lemming.uvm.edu: /incoming
ocf.unt.edu: /pub/doom/id (doom1_2.zip is in /pub/incoming just now.
Will be moved to pub/doom/id)
sell.tamu.edu: /incoming/doom
vincent1.iastate.edu: /incoming (login as "anonymous.void")
wuarchive.wustl.edu: /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/games/doom
zen.btc.uwe.ac.uk: /pub/doom
Also, you can keep an eye on how the ftp is going by repeatedly listing the
file that's getting created as you wait. Comparing this to how big the
file will eventually be gives you some idea of how long it's going to take.
If it's gonna take *hours*, kill the process off (if you can! Easy on Unix)
and try a different site.
When I listed the file at about 10 minutes into the transfer, I got this:
-rw-r--r-- 1 mapleson 494592 Feb 22 19:23 doom1_2.zip
It's obviously faster later in the day, from closer sites, and on sites that
are used less often.
In my case, it took 20 minutes for the file to arrive (it speeded up towards
the end). I've seen better transfer rates, but I've also seen a hell of a
lot worse!
Now, enter:
unzip doom1_2.zip
(or pkunzip, etc)
I got this (it took about 10 seconds, so no worries about hanging around for
Inflating: deice.exe
Inflating: doom1_2s.1
Inflating: doom1_2s.2
Inflating: doom1_2s.dat
Inflating: file_id.diz
Inflating: install.bat
Inflating: sysop.doc
Thus, entering 'ls' gave:
You'll need two high density floppy disks. Say they're called Disk 1 and
Disk 2.
Place the file 'doom1_2s.2' on Disk 2 (Disk TWO). Place the other files on
Disk 1.
Insert Disk 1, select drive A, and enter:
The game will then install itself.
The two disks take about two and a half minutes to load from the two floppy
disks. After this is finished, you will be asked to re-insert Disk 1 and
press RETURN.
Having pressed RETURN, it will ask you what drive you want to decompress the
game to. Just press the letter that corresponds to the drive you want.
Then, you are asked for the directory to install into (usually in the form
<drive>:\DOOMSW). Again, just press RETURN (unless you want to alter the
directory specification).
After pressing RETURN, the game will 'DE-ICE' - that is, it will decompress
itself onto the drive. This process only takes 20 seconds on a 486/66, but
it'll probably take somewhat longer (maybe a minute or two) on something
like a 386/40. What I _can_ say is that about 4 lines of dots get created
(you'll know what I mean by that when you see it). The speed at which the
dots are displayed should then give you some idea as to how long it's going
to take to DEICE. Shouldn't take long...
When it's finished, the game will automatically run the Doom set up program:
Select your sound card settings (if wanted/possible), re-configure the
controls if necessary, etc. Then use 'Save settings and run Doom' option.
And that's it! BTW, make sure that if you reconfigure the mouse or keyboard
controls, you press F10 to accept the new setup, and _not_ RETURN!
This setup program can be run any time from DOS by entering 'setup' from
your Doom directory, BTW.
Well, that's it. No more to be said - time kick some imp butt! :D
Have fun! :)
PS. Some of you may try NiGhTmArE mode first. Remember: only the iddt and
idclev cheats work in Nightmare mode, so don't complain when you find you
can't get god mode, max ammo, etc. In case you have NO idea what I'm talking
about, here is a small cheat summary (for full details, ask me for the
cheats file - if I haven't already sent it to you):
iddqd - Gode mode.
idkfa - Gets you max ammo, health, etc.
idspispopd - No clipping (walk through walls).
idbehold - Power up (followed by one of S, V, I, R, A or L).
idclev - Warp to episode/level (press two digit keys after typing).
idmypos - Display co-ordinates in hexadecimal notation.
idchoppers - Gives you the chainsaw.
iddt - Toggle map detail (can only be used whilst in Map Mode).
Doom on!
This help brought to you by:
Ian Mapleson,
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering,
Heriot Watt University,
United Kingdom.
email to: mapleson@cee.hw.ac.uk